My life through the years

From my early days, the lush countryside of Bangladesh was my playground, and the vibrant colors of nature became my fascination. My restless spirit was always drawn to the outdoors, where nature’s palette and the intricate hues it offered fascinated me deeply from a young age. As a restless child, my energy was often channeled into exploring the outdoors and engaging in various sports activities. Little did I know that my true calling would lie in capturing these captivating scenes through art.

Back in school, whenever the blackboard called for illustrations, I was the one my friends would turn to, the designated artist of the classroom. It became a common sight in our classroom, as I happily assisted teachers in illustrating various concepts during science classes. The world beyond the windowpane always captivated me during lectures, and I often found myself daydreaming by the window, sketching scenes from the world outside as the lectures went on.

I vividly recall spending countless hours sketching onto my notebooks, meticulously capturing human figures and the landscapes that my gaze fell upon. Nights before science exams, my friends would flock to me, seeking my talent to draw diagrams from their science books. It was during these moments that I began to realize the potential of my artistic abilities.

As I progressed through my studies, my passion for art continued to flourish. My journey into the world of fine arts truly began when, upon the advice of my friends, I decided to pursue a career in this field. With little knowledge of painting at the time, I took a leap of faith and enrolled in the department of Fine Arts. It was here that my innate talent flourished.

The world of art opened up before me, and I eagerly delved into various mediums, from watercolors to oils to sketches, and honed my skills through hours of practice and observation. I became a devoted student of nature, often spending hours observing people at railway stations and bus stands, studying the intricacies of human form and movement. My dedication to learning and honing my craft allowed me the privilege of receiving hands-on guidance from Nisar Hossain, Rashid Amin some of the country’s most renowned artists.

Through the years, I’ve come to realize that painting is not just a vocation, but a way of life. It’s a constant exploration of color, form, and emotion that allows me to translate the beauty around me into captivating works of art.

Through it all, my journey has been an unfolding of colors, stories, and experiences, each stroke of the brush and every canvas bearing witness to my lifelong romance with art. I remain deeply committed to my craft, painting not just for the recognition but for the sheer joy and fulfillment it brings me.

The world of art has been my constant companion, allowing me to express my innermost thoughts, emotions, and observations. As I look back on my journey, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me and the people who have supported me along the way. As I continue to explore new horizons and translate the beauty around me onto canvas, I am reminded of the gift that art has bestowed upon me – the ability to encapsulate the essence of nature’s wonders and share it with the world.

In 2006, my debut in a group exhibition marked the sale of my first painting, setting me on a path of regular workshops and exhibitions. With each passing year, I continued to refine my techniques and explore new horizons. Along the way, I have been honored with awards and recognition for my work, including the Fujisan Art Semi Grand Award in 2018 and the Academic Special Award from the University of Development Alternative in 2013.I have been fortunate to exhibit my artwork in various prestigious galleries and exhibitions. From the Magic of Lines exhibition in 2012 at Gallery Cosmos, to the Bangladesh Japan Art Exhibition at Gallery Orange, Tokyo in 2011. Each a unique opportunity to share my perspective and connect with fellow artists and enthusiasts who share my love for painting.

In a significant turn of events, upon completing my bachelor’s degree, my dedication and achievements earned me a remarkable opportunity – an invitation to join the faculty as a lecturer. Today, I stand here, with 18 years of teaching experience in the Fine Arts department, now holding the title of Associate Professor. Embarking on this role, I’ve been privileged to guide and inspire new generations of artists over the past years.

In 2021, my journey took me to the United Kingdom. The rich beauty of this new land ignited a fresh wave of inspiration, as I continue to paint with the same passion and love that has driven me from the very beginning. I remain driven by an unwavering passion for the craft and the company of fellow enthusiasts who share my adoration for capturing the scenic beauty on canvas.